.. index:: single: adding account file single: deleting account file single: adding account single: deleting account .. _accounts: Accounts ======== Account information is stored in account files. The list of account files is given in ~/.config/avendesora/accounts_files. New account files are created using ':ref:`avendesora new `', but to delete an accounts file, you must manually remove it from accounts_files. Once an accounts file exists, you may add accounts to it using ':ref:`avendesora add `'. Use the ``-f`` option to specify which file is to contain the new account. Modifying or deleting an account is done with ':ref:`avendesora edit account_name `'. To delete the account, simply remove all lines associated with the account. An account is basically a collection of attributes organized as a subclass of the Python :class:`avendesora.Account` class. For example: .. code-block:: python class ManetherenTimes(Account): aliases = 'times mt' username = 'nynaeve' email = 'nynaeve@gmail.com' passcode = PasswordRecipe('12 2u 2d 2s') discovery = RecognizeURL( 'https://myaccount.manetherentimes.com', script='{email}{tab}{passcode}{return}' ) One creates an account using:: > avendesora add where ** is either *shell*, *website* or *bank*. Choose the template that seems most appropriate (see :ref:`overview ` and :ref:`add command ` for more information) and edit it to your needs. If after configuring your account you feel the need to change it, you can use the :ref:`edit command ` to do so:: > avendesora edit manetherentimes The account name is case insenstive and can be replaced by one of the aliases. Once created, most of the field values can be retrieved simply by asking for them. For example:: > avendesora value times username username: nynaeve In general, values can be strings, arrays, dictionaries, and special Avendesora classes. For example, you could have an array of security questions: .. code-block:: python questions = [ Question("What is your mother's maiden name?"), Question("What city were you born?"), Question("What is first pet's name?"), ] Then you can request the answer to a particular question using its index:: > avendesora value times questions.0 questions.0 (What is your mother's maiden name?): portrayal tentacle fanlight *questions* is the default array field, so you could have shortened your request by using '0' rather than 'questions.0'. You might be thinking, hey, that is not my mother's maiden name. That is because *Question* is a 'generated secret'. It produces a completely random answer that is impossible to predict. Thus, even family members cannot know the answers to your security questions. A dictionary is often used to hold account numbers: .. code-block:: python class TwoRiversCU(Account): accounts = { 'checking': '1234-56-7890', 'savings': '0123-45-6789', } You then access its values using:: > avendesora value tworiverscu accounts.checking accounts.checking: 1234-56-7890 You might consider your account numbers as sensitive information. In this case you can hide them with: .. code-block:: python class TwoRiversCU(Account): accounts = { 'checking': Hide('1234-56-7890'), 'savings': Hide('0123-45-6789'), } Doing so means that *Avendesora* will try to protect them from accidental disclosure. For example, it will attempt to erase the screen after displaying them for a minute. You may also be concerned with someone looking over your shoulders when you are editing your accounts file and stealing your secrets. To reduce the chance, you can encode the secrets: .. code-block:: python class TwoRiversCU(Account): accounts = { 'checking': Hidden('MTIzNC01Ni03ODkw'), 'savings': Hidden('MDEyMy00NS02Nzg5'), } The values are now hidden, but not encrypted. They are simply encoded with base64. Any knowledgeable person with the encoded value can decode it back to its original value. Using Hidden makes it harder to recognize and remember the value given only a quick over-the-shoulder glance. It also marks the value as sensitive, so it will only be displayed for a minute. You generate the encoded value using the :ref:`conceal command `. If this is not enough security, you can encrypt the values and access them using :class:`avendesora.GPG` or :class:`avendesora.Scrypt`. You can find the specifics of how to specify or generate your secrets in :ref:`helpers`. Any value that is an instance of the :class:`avendesora.GeneratedSecret` class (:class:`avendesora.Password`, :class:`avendesora.Passphrase`, ...) or the :class:`avendesora.ObscuredSecret` class (:class:`avendesora.Hide`, :class:`avendesora.Hidden`, :class:`avendesora.GPG`, ...) is considered sensitive. It is only given out in a controlled manner. For example, running the :ref:`values command ` displays all fields, but the values that are sensitive are replaced by instructions on how to view them. They can only be viewed individually:: > avendesora values times names: manetherentimes, times, mt email: nynaeve@gmail.com passcode: username: nynaeve Notice the passcode is not shown. You can circumvent this protection by adding *is_secret=False* to the argument list of the secret. The *aliases* and *discovery* fields are not shown because they are considered tool fields (see :ref:`discovery` for more information on discovery). Other tool fields include *NAME*, *default*, *browser*, and *default_url*. *default* is the name of the default field, which is the field you get if you do not request a particular field. Its value defaults to *password*, *pasphrase*, or *passcode* (as set by :ref:`default_field setting `), but it can be set to any account attribute name or it can be a :ref:`script `. *browser* is the default browser to use when opening the account, run the :ref:`browse command ` to see a list of available browsers. The value of *passcode* is considered sensitive because it is an instance of :class:`PasswordRecipe`, which is a subclass of :class:`GeneratedSecret`. If you wish to see the *passcode*, use:: > avendesora value mt passcode: TZuk8:u7qY8% This value will be displayed for a minute and is then hidden. If you would like to hide it early, simply type Ctrl-C. An attribute value can incorporate other attribute values through use of the :class:`avendesora.Script` class as described in :ref:`scripts`. For example, consider an account for your wireless router that contains the following: .. code-block:: python class EmondsFieldInnWifi(Account): aliases = 'wifi' ssid = { 'emonds_field_inn_guests': Passphrase(), 'emonds_field_inn_private': Passphrase(), } guest = Script('SSID: emonds_field_inn_guests{return}password: {ssid.emonds_field_inn_guests}') private = Script('SSID: emonds_field_inn_private{return}password: {ssid.emonds_field_inn_private}') The *ssid* field is a dictionary that contains the SSID and passphrases for each of the wireless networks provided by the router. This is a natural and compact representation for this information, but accessing it as a user in this form requires two steps to access the information, one to get the SSID and another to get the passphrase. This issue is addressed by adding the guest and private attributes. The guest and private attributes are scripts that gives the SSID and interpolate the passphrase. Now both can easily accessed at once with:: > avendesora value wifi guest SSID: emonds_field_inn_guests password: delimit ballcock fibber levitate Use of *Avendesora* secrets classes (:class:`avendesora.GeneratedSecret` or :class:`avendesora.ObscuredSecret`) is confined to the top two levels of account attributes, meaning that they can be the value of the top-level attributes, or the top-level attributes may be arrays or dictionaries that contain objects of these classes, but it can go no further. It is important to remember that generated secrets use the account name and the field name when generating their value, so if you change the account name or field name you will change the value of the secret. For this reason is it important to choose a good account and field names up front and not change them. It should be very specific to avoid conflicts with similar accounts created later. For example, rather than choosing *Gmail* as your account name, you might want to include your username, ex. *GmailThomMerrilin*. This would allow you to create additional gmail accounts later without ambiguity. Then just add *gmail* as an alias to the account you use most often. Account and field names are case insensitive. So you can use *Gmail* or *gmail*. Also, if the account or field names contains an underscore, you can substitute a dash. So if the account name is *Gmail_Thom_Merrilin*, you can use *gmail-thom-merrilin* instead. Normally the user need not specify any of the seeds used when generating passwords. However, it is possible to override the master seed and the account seed. To do so, specify these seeds using the *master_seed* and *account_seed* attributes on the account. This would allow you to change the account file or account name without disturbing the generated secrets. The values of *master_seed* and *account_seed* are not accessible using either the command line or the API interfaces. Account attributes that start with an underscore (_) are hidden, meaning that they are not shown by the :ref:`values ` or :ref:`interactive ` commands. However, you can access their value by explicitly requesting them using the :ref:`value ` command. Account attributes should not have a trailing underscore. Such attributes create the risk of collision with an attribute added by Avendesora itself and are inaccessible.